William Morris Hughes 7th Australian Prime Minister Timeline (in progress).

25 September 1862

William Morris Hughes Birth

Born in London on 25 September 1862, the son of a Welsh carpenter, William Hughes, and his wife Jane, nee Morris. (Langmore).


Mother’s death

Mother Jane, nee Morris, a farmer’s daughter from Montgomeryshire dies when William Morris Hughes, her only child, was seven. (Langmore) Billy is sent to live with his father’s sister (Aunt Mary) at Llandudno, Noth Wales. Langmore. Attends McLaughlan’s School at Bondlondeb Hill and then Llandudno Grammar School in Cwlach Street. Dr George Roberts is the ‘despotic principal’, (Fricke p.12.)


Returns to London

Billy Hughes enrolled St Stephen’s School, Westminster, becoming a pupil teacher two years later and eventually an assistant teacher. (Diane Langmore Prime Ministers’ Wives p. 3 Kindle Edition). Lodges Ponsonby Terrace, Vauxhall. (Fricke p.14,)


Emigrates to Australia

Hughes migrates to colonial Queensland in 1884. “After working as a drover, boundary-rider, tally-clerk, nawy, grape-picker, blacksmith’s striker, factory worker, farmhand, saddler and cook, Hughes travelled to Sydney as a galley’hand on a coastal vessel. He found work as an assistant to an oven-maker and, aged about twenty-six, settled down in a boarding house at Moore Park.” Langmore


Meets Elizabeth Cutts

Billy Hughes meets Elizabeth Cutts mother of an infant son, Arthur, and bearing Billy six children.Prime Ministers’ Wives (p. 4). Kindle Edition.


Moves to Balmain after first child Ethel’s birth

“After the birth of their first child, Ethel, they moved in 1890 to a small weather- board building in Beattie Street, Balmain, where Will, as she called him, opened a small mixed shop, perhaps with money which she provided. Struggling to make ends meet, he also did odd jobs and mended umbrellas while Elizabeth cleaned and took in washing to supplement their meagre income.” Langmore


Birth & death of 2nd Child

“In May 1891 a second child, William, was born but died, aged twelve months, and was buried in Rookwood Cemetery. Four more children – Lily, Dolly, Ernest and Charles were born at two yearly intervals.” Langmore