Primus inter pares

(Above) Fairfax Corporation. 1951, Sir Robert Gordon Menzies in a coat and hat in front of a building, New South Wales, 29 August 1951 , viewed 18 February 2021 National Library of Australia. (Below) Gullet was elected to the House of Representatives at a by-election on 30 March 1946. Photo courtesy of AUSPIC and sourced from the Australian War Memorial.

A former Chief Whip in the Menzies Government, Henry “Jo” Gullet (1914-1999) reflects on Menzies’ stature and dominance.

Menzies was Prime Minister for a
record term and is revered as the founding father of the modern Liberal Party. He is given the credit for founding it, leading it, giving it a philosophy, bringing it to office and keeping it there. He was the Party’s first Prime Minister.

Pictured below Robert Menzies, Lancaster House, London, 1956
David Moore. Collection: National Portrait Gallery

Jo Gullet was interviewed in 1980 for Garry Sturgess‘ 6-part ABC Radio National series Prime Minister that began on 9 September 1980.