The Vetting of Wisdom?

The yellow scarf, portrait of Henry Handel Richardson (above) by Rupert Bunny

Kim Rubenstein, author of The Vetting of Wisdom: Joan Montgomery and the Fight for PLC talks about her choice of title. Cinematography – Steve Moxey

Rubenstein’s title recalls Henry Handel Richardson’s classic The Getting of Wisdom wherein Laura Rambotham, clever, precocious but naïve, leaves her home in the country for boarding school in turn-of-the-century Melbourne. 

Timeline of Joan Montgomery’s brilliant career:

6 July 1925

Birth of Joan Mitchell Montgomery

5 Queens Road, South Melbourne. She was the first of four daughters born to Beryl and William Montgomery.

Joan’s first day as a student at PLC. It coincided with that of Miss M.F.B. Neilson, PLC’s new Principal.

The May 1938 school magazine Patchwork reported it as being
‘the first time since the College was founded, in February 1875, a woman holds the
office of Principal.

8 February 1938
13 April 1942

Joan’s mother Beryl dies at 49 after suffering a massive stroke.

Joan’s final year at PLC sees her as a School Prefect,
Club Member and as Captain of the Baseball Team. She caps off the year by winning the prestigious the Harris Prize for Sports and Studies and is also awarded the Christian Stirling Prize for Bible (Aequalis) and is
Runner-Up School Tennis Champion Prize.