Dig Deep — Tales from the Depths

David Bereson’s remarkable new memoir coming soon from Franklin Street Press.

Until his early twenties David Bereson powered through each day. “I was blessed. All that I did turned out much as I desired”. Then one day, bang, a serious car accident changed all that. In the forty years since David’s had to Dig Deep while never losing his joy for life and his impish sense of humour. His stories journey to the centre of his disability — what he found, who was missing, what he learnt and what he gained through what he’d lost.

“While David Truly speaks to ‘the human condition’ his writings are not bleak…he is undaunted, forever hopeful and frequently very funny.” Phillip Adams

“In his remarkable collection of stories, David Bereson illuminates the power of relentless optimism in the face of life-altering health challenges. Every tale nudges you towards a life imbued with honour, integrity, and ceaseless optimism.” Victor Perton, The Centre for Optimism

This collection of captivating and rich tales draws you into the perspective of a unique mind. David’s reflections on his identity and place in the world is expressed through the various lenses of being Australian, Jewish and, most critically, the survivor of a car accident in which he sustained a significant brain injury. A further array of health issues and physical disabilities have ruptured his sense of personal continuity. Yet, David’s unique and original character is a thread which permeates throughout his life journey, showing that while a book shouldn’t be judged by its cover, like David’s exemplar, we should dig deeper in our connections with our own and each other’s inner voice.”

Dr Kate Gould

Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health